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الثلاثاء، 24 أكتوبر 2017

Happiness - السعادة

? what is the true meaning of happiness
Many people think that the life becomes happy by having money or being rich. But the true is to have a happy life you have to obey Allah and do many good things. There are many keys that make you happy.
First, you have to obey Allah by doing things your God commands us to do like: praying the five prayers in the exact time, going to Hajj or Omrah, reading Holy Quran.
The 2nd thing is obeying your parent as they work hard to make your life save and best.
The third thing is put your footprint. You must have your private fingerprint in all works and movement you do. You should take a benefit from the experience and patience.
Fourth, smile and try to make 3 people at least to smile a day.
Fifth, make a special thing every day. Make your life interesting. Don’t live in a routine because the routine will kill the true meaning of the life.
Sixth, do not compare yourself to others. Stay focused on your own life and leave your footprint behind.
Seventh, forgive everyone without exception. Before going to sleep every night, forgive everyone and sleep with a clean mind.
Eighth, spend more time with your family and friends. Try to make new things with them.
Ninth, be strong. No matter how you feel, not weaken but wake up and go.
Tenth, be positive. See the glass half full and don’t see the glass half empty.
That is all. By the way these are not the only happiness keys. There are much more things that make you happy. Try to discover it and make your life better.
Thank you for your attention.

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